一、 讲授课程
1. 国际投资,专业课,每周2学时,6届,600人;
2. 多变量分析,专业课,每周2学时,1届,100人;
3. 资本运营,专业课,每周2学时,3届,300人;
4. 金融营销,专业课,每周2学时,3届,200人;
5. ERP沙盘综合实验课,专业课,每周2学时,1届,100人;
6. 金融证券投资技巧与分析,专业课,每周2学时,1届,100人
二、 主要科研成果
The Regional Determinants of FDI In China-A Literature Review 「経済学論集」第57巻1号,2017,p1-p23
The Unbalanced Development of Inward FDI In Henan Province 「経済学論集」第57巻2号,2017,p51-70
The Regional Determinants of Inward FDI In Henan Province: In The Special Economic Development And Transitional Stage 「経済学論集」第58巻1号,2018,p23-57
The Regional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment In Henan Province From The Micro Perspective 「経済学論集」第59巻1号,2019
The Factors And Characteristics of The Companies Affect The Decisions of Foreign Direct Investment Into Henan Province 社研年報第49号,2019
The China Journal
Interest Rate Risk Management of Commercial Banks in the Process of Interest Rate Marketization利率市場化行程中商業銀行利率風險管理 Modern Commerce 2017(1), p146-p147
《現代商業》2017(1), p146-p147
Analysis on Financial Innovation of Commercial Banks: An Example of Financial Innovation of Rural Commercial Banks in Anyang City淺析商業銀行金融創新——安陽市農村商業銀行金融創新為例 Modern Commerce 2017(1),p150-p151 《現代商業》2017(1), p150-p151